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kickstart your career in software development

Software developers at Competa IT

Learn from the best, grow fast and realise your full potential

Are you a motivated junior software developer? If you have the talent and ambition we will give you the time and attention to grow the skills required for your future as a professional software developer. We will help you to build your CV quickly, with tech and non-tech training to kickstart your career.

building your coding career

Helping well-known companies to deliver products and tools for the future is our core business. To continue doing this we need you. By recruiting talented people, and growing them into highly-skilled software professionals, we are able to support our clients with the expertise they need. If you join us, we focus on you. Competa IT brings you the best opportunities to grow and learn so you can contribute to our awesome projects too. We listen to your needs and interests, and hold weekly meetings to make sure we, together, work towards your goals. With a personal development plan we get you working on a project with one of our clients that really suits you. In this way we continually take you to the next level.

  • learn while working in teams on real projects
  • coaching and mentoring by more experienced colleagues
  • regular progress and pay reviews
  • you choose your tech stack and career direction
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we are looking for

People with a real passion for software development (Front-end, Back-end, Full-stack, UI/UX, DevOps). You will need the determination to succeed and must be prepared to commit to a journey with us for the long term. The following skills and competences are nice to have, but attitude beats experience - we hire for talent and train for skills.

  • good communication skills, especially verbally
  • Bachelors degree (HBO) work and thinking level, even if you do not have the qualification
  • some relevant work experience preferred
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you could be working with

Want to know what we've done for our clients? Check out our case studies.


stay up to date with tech & tools


We carefully monitor your progress. When you are ready for something more challenging, or want to learn something new, we move you on to a new project. Competa IT levels you up and keeps your skills constantly up to date.

what people say about us


"As far back as 2016, when I did my internship at Competa, the company was always focused on improving and growing its employees. Flash forward to now, and Competa has helped me not only become a professional UX/UI designer and developer, but a better communicator and person as well. Competa has greatly helped me kick off my career."


Front-end developer & UX-designer, KLM


"At Competa IT, I've had the opportunity to work with a diverse group of colleagues from different companies. It's been a fantastic learning experience, and I've gained valuable insights from everyone I've worked with. I appreciate the company's focus on professionalism and attention to detail, and I'm grateful to be part of such a great team."


Front-end developer, VICE


"After spending a couple of years working with data analysis in the oil and gas industry, I took the decision to take a turn and become a software developer. A career that I always wanted to attain. Competa was the perfect choice for it. During my time I got introduced to the latest web technologies, industry standards, and most importantly great colleagues."


Python and Back-end, Zorgverkeer/MindYourWaste


"Competa gave me the possibility to grow professionally as graphic designer and introduced me to the Web development world, helped me to become Frontend developer and found for me great challenging projects in important companies in The Netherlands. At Competa I could work closely with many talented developers and I met many professionals people from which I’ve learned much every day. Competa people always helped me out with any type of issue I could encountered and always gave me all the support and tools I needed to grow and become a better and better developer."


Frontend Developer and Scrum Master, Priva

Former colleague


"My years at Competa have been the best for me career wise. When I walked in with little to no experience Competa was willing to give me a chance - a lot of great opportunities with great projects and loving support."


Frontend Developer, Nederlandse Spoorwegen

Former colleague


"I joined Competa in a time when IT technology itself was still very challenging and hi-tech. We weren't afraid of anything. Our customers knew where to find us, and why. We've done some great things together. Competa was definitely the kick-starter of my career."


IT Platform Architect, ProRail

Former colleague


apply here, let's get to know each other

what we use this info for

what we use this info for

what we use this info for

How much experience do you have? *
What's your tech stack? *